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2015 spring opening of the park nursery Tips

time:2015-12-19      view:

Winter vacation is coming to an end, how to let the children quickly adapt to the kindergarten life? Chengdu Municipal Education Bureau invited well-known principal weapon for parents to guide their children prepare well to life in the park.

GoldenSeacity kindergarten director Zhang Junli:

Special list of the following lifestyle tips and precautions, so that parents in the end of the holiday to adjust the pace of the child's life, and try to guide their children miss kindergarten, naturally back to kindergarten.

Holidaydiet tips: gradually healthy up

1,ahead of time to prepare the child for the proper meal, so that children eat a full meal, so as not to eat too much too miscellaneous snacks, resulting in poor digestion.

2, let the children eat fruit, drink boiling water, drink drink.

Regular work and rest, behavior habits: to keep their homes as much as possible

1, to early to bed and early to rise, to ensure that every child 12 to 13 hours of sleep time, which after lunch due 2 hours nap time.

2, under the conditions of the weather conditions permit, may wish to take the children to carry out some outdoor activities, such as walking, jogging, skipping, playing, etc.. This exercise helps to enhance children's sleep quality, gradually restore the habit of going to bed early.

3, alternating movement, indoor and outdoor alternating: at home, parents can reference kindergarten activities arrangement, every morning, afternoon, give children arrange a learning activities, 1 game activities, sports activities, also can adjust itself according to the actual situation, and try to give the children to watch TV.

4, Behavior habits at home and in kindergarten: holidays, Holidays, children and parents to get along with more time, easy to produce dependence, some of the things they can do in kindergarten, put a holiday but need parents to do, and so back to the kindergarten, the child's habits and need to re cultivate. Parents are advised to strive to achieve the educational goals of the consistency, all in kindergarten children have been able to do things, at home, should also be the same requirements.